Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 8 - visit to the orphanage and Day 7 photos

Here are some photos from yesterday and today. Wednesday we visited the tiger park and today we went to the orphanage.

Feeding time, live chicken is dangled to the tigers!

The winner! Mmmmm! Live raw chicken!

White Siberian Tiger

Day 8...In the hotel lobby before the orphanage visit...

Harbin Children's Welfare Institute:

They would not let us photograph inside the orphanage classrooms and they only showed us two. They were nice rooms, bright and clean. Most of the kids were special needs and sooo cute! As soon as they saw us they were so happy, coming to us for hugs and asking to be picked up. I really wish we had pictures of them. I picked up a little boy and he hugged me so tight, Lis had a little girl and a couple others. It was heartbreaking. It's hard to believe these kids have only each other. I hope their parents find them soon.

Left to Right: Madame Chen, DIrector, Asst Deputy Dir. and Tommy's caregiver and teacher.

Tommy in the orphanage conference room with his caregiver.

Harbin isn't far from Russia, and we saw this old Russian Church in a square on the way back from the orphanage.

Ice Sculptures everywhere!

Us with Bill, our Sunny Ridge guide.

Can't believe that we leave for Guangzhou tomorrow morning (Friday) at 7AM here. Looking forward to the last leg before coming home, where the weather will be warmer (we're expecting it to be in the 70's there)! To the moon....


  1. I love the one of Tommy between the two of you!

  2. What an adventure! Can't wait to meet Tommy in person. Is Tommy staying with you yet? We all miss you! Got the Eagles tickets!

  3. I'm so happy for all of you! What great pictures and commentary!! How lucky is Tommy to be part of such a wonderful family?! Don't worry about translation - I'm sure Danny will understand everything Tommy is trying to communicate!
    Phyllis OKeefe

  4. Tommy, Tom and Lisa,

    I am speechless! Tommy, you are sooooo cute!!! We can not wait for you to come home and meet all your Aunts, Uncles and cousins!
    What an incredible journey you are on Tom and Lisa! I can't think of two more deserving parents than you! We miss you and can't wait to see you! Is it o.k to come to the airport to greet and meet you? We don't want to overwhelm Tommy - but we can't wait to meet him?
    What size is he wearing? Of course, we want to get him a few things.
    Love and miss you!
    Susan,Chris,Nate, and Molly
