Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 6

Tommy has been wonderful! We've heard so many horror stories about toddlers not wanting anything to do with their parents (and why should they? We look funny and we are strangers) but so far he hasn't had much of a problem. The orphanage did a lot of talking and explaining to him about us - they got the pictures we sent just today. Tommy loved looking at them and was very interested in Aidan! He calls us "Mama" and "Baba" already and says "bobo" (hold me) all the time, which is great except he is HEAVY!

He's talking all the time, which is a little bit of a problem because we of course have no idea what he is saying. Luckily Bill (our guide) is with us most of the time and can translate, but there are so many times Bill is not there at the moment or we are in our room and we have no idea what he's saying. At the store yesterday Tom and Bill were off looking for crackers and he started yelling something. A lady tried helping me by telling me what he wanted but she was also speaking in Chinese! Later Bill explained he was saying "Let me out, I want to get down," and I was basically just oblivious.

He just woke up from his nap (3 hours!) so I'm off.

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